Atk Atk Spd Crit Crit Dmg King%27s Raid

Posted : admin On 27.12.2020
Atk Atk Spd Crit Crit Dmg King%27s Raid 6,6/10 1894 votes

After clearing Chapter 1 Normal Mode you will get a 2 Star Hero Ticket. For most people this will be their first hero. Before choosing what to pick, you should decide on what kind of team you are going to make(for start), magic or physical?

Let’s take a look to the heroes included in the ticket, shall we?

  • 47423 ATK Upon a Crit Hit, ATK Spd is increased by 240 for 10 sec, and for the duration of skill, each auto attack fires an arrow that deals extra 120% P.DMG. ★★ 56046 ATK Upon a Crit Hit, ATK Spd is increased by 280 for 10 sec, and for the duration of skill, each auto attack fires an arrow that deals extra 140% P.DMG.
  • Chant of Fury 2 - Atk. +33% Chant of Predator 1 - Critical +20% Chant of Predator 2 - Critical +25% Chant of Predator 3 - Critical +30% Chant of Rage 1 - Critical Damage +30% Chant of Rage 2 - Critical Damage +40% Chant of Rage 3 - Critical Damage +50% Chant of Revenge 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker.
  • Crypt-King Graal Skills. Brittleness Bane ATK Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 60% chance of placing a 50% Decrease ATK debuff for 2 turns. Level 2: Damage +5%.
  • Enchantment level Effect +1 Stun/ Mental/ Knockback/ Knockdown/ Aerial Yoke Attack Success and Resistance +15%, CHA/ LUC +1, Atk./ Casting Spd. Accuracy +3, Speed +1, Skill Power +3%, Normal/ P./ M. Skill Critical Damage +5%, Damage to immobilized target +1%, All Defense Attribute +10.
  • The more atk you have, the better crit damage is. The more crit damage you have, the better attack is. General rule is atk is usually better except for knights and characters with really low attack scaling on skills cough cough viska level 1.
  • Crit Chance rises by 15% and Crit DMG rises by 30%. ATK Spd boost of 200 is added to the effect. King's Raid Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

First, let’s divide the heroes into categories: (Check “Abbreviations” post for the terms used here //work in progress//)

Only available as a reward for fighting the Clan Boss (Demon Lord), the Cruel Artifact set is a mix of Offense (2) and Savage (4) Sets, both increasing the Attack power of the Champion earing it, and granting them an additional damage boost via ignoring enemy Defense.


GauWorks for both magic and physical teams.

LakrakOnce the “CC King”(?). Get Miruru instead.

MiruruGood for physical teams, every single skill does CC and she got AMP with her UW.

LoraineGood for magic teams, basically Miruru, but, magic DMG.

Main DPS:

Selene Physical DPS, she kinda relies on enemy positioning to be effective.

EpisMagic DPS, strong nuke potential. If you can get Mirianne, get Mirianne instead.

Reina Physical DPS, build CRIT and spam S1, that simple.


Dimael The only use I can think of is for PVP, but, you can pick anything else and still perform better.

Demia Strongest PVP tank in the game(with her T5 Dark).


Kaulah Strong support, if you decide to get let’s say, Aisha or Selene as your main DPS, keeping Frey would be recommended.

Now that the basic description is done, how about a Pros/Cons list?


Stun demonstration:


  • High CC
  • AoE ATK buff and Cleanse
  • Not UW reliant
  • Can be used pretty much everywhere
  • Can tank if built properly


  • Low DMG output
  • High CD on S3



  • CC on all skills
  • AMP

/kodi-xbmc-android-app-download.html. Cons:

  • Low DMG
  • Nothing better compared to Miruru



  • AoE DMG and CC on all skills
  • UW AMP with 50% chance
  • Decent DPS(when fighting groups)


  • UW reliant
  • UW is kinda RNG based
  • Slow DPS


Stun demonstration:


  • Can be used as a Main DPS
  • Decent CC
  • Self AMP
  • Enemy Cleanse


  • Uses stacks in order to CC
  • UW reliant in order to become a Main DPS
  • T3 is required in order to Cleanse



  • Her S3 works great in PVP
  • Decent AoE DMG
  • Can be used everywhere
  • High single nuke potential


  • UW reliant
  • No debuffs



  • Decent AoE
  • Incredible self-sustain
  • Single target nuke that ignores DEF
  • M.AMP
  • One of the best M.DPS units in the game
  • Decent PVP unit


  • Like most Main DPS, she’s UW reliant
  • No CC
  • Can kinda kill herself after using S2
  • Needs T3/+ in order to be effective on PVP



Atk atk spd crit crit dmg king 27s raid 3
  • High single target DMG
  • Low mana costs
  • She’s immune to DMG when using her DPS skill

Atk Atk Spd Crit Crit Dmg King 27s Raid 3


  • 0 AoE
  • Despite being an assassin, she can’t really assassinate
  • UW reliant



  • Decent CC
  • M.AMP


  • Low DMG
  • UW reliant



  • Can draw backline DPS to front
  • Decent CC
  • Boosts party’s P.DEF and P.BLOCK
  • Best PVP tank
  • Not UW reliant


  • Lowest DMG in the game
  • Needs T5 in order to be 100% effective
  • High mana costs


Atk Atk Spd Crit Crit Dmg King 27s Raid Guide


  • ATK, ATK SPD and CRIT buff
  • Good CC
  • Good HoT
  • Can be used pretty much everywhere


  • RNG based UW
  • RNG CC

Atk Atk Spd Crit Crit Dmg King 27s Raid 2

Now, just a reminder: I write these guides based on my personal opinion, so, if I say that for example, Demia is bad on PVE content, it means that I wouldn’t use her on PVE.

Atk Atk Spd Crit Crit Dmg King 27s Raid Bis

Take everything written here with a grain of salt.

No Lineage 2, você pode obter acessórios de Raid Bosses com um conjunto exclusivo de características e no L2 Elite há uma grande variedade de joias que você poderá adquirir, confira:

JoiaDescrição da JoiaGradeM. Def.Como Obter
Blessed Earring of AntharasProduces the following effects: MP +90, increases Resistance to earth attacks by 30, Resistance to sacred attacks by 30, Resistance to bleeding by 80, P. Def. by 15%, M. Def. by 15%, increase in resistance to stun/silence by 60 and increase 10% in the amount of heal. Decreases MP consumption by 5% and restores HP by using some of the damage inflicted upon an enemy by 4. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.S170NPC Converter.
Earring of AntharasProduces the following effects: MP +31, increases Resistance to earth attacks by 15, Resistance to bleeding by 80, P. Def. by 5%, M. Def. by 5%, increase in resistance to stun/silence by 60 and increase 10% in the amount of heal. Decreases MP consumption by 5% and restores HP by using some of the damage inflicted upon an enemy by 4. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.S71Raid Boss Antharas.
Lesser Earring of AntharasProduces the following effects: MP +31, increases Resistance to earth attacks by 8, Resistance to bleeding by 40, P. Def. by 3%, M. Def. by 3%, increase in resistance to stun/silence by 30 and increase 5% in the amount of heal. Decreases MP consumption by 3% and restores HP by using some of the damage inflicted upon an enemy by 2. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.S71Elite Box.
Blessed Ring of BaiumProduces the following effects: MP +52, Increases resistance to poison attacks by 80, resistance to hold attacks by 60, Accuracy by 4, Critical damage by 17%, Atk. Speed by 10% and Casting Spd. by 7%. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.S79NPC Converter.
Ring of BaiumProduces the following effects: MP +21, Increases resistance to poison attacks by 80, resistance to hold attacks by 60, Accuracy by 2, Critical damage by 15%, Atk. Speed by 4% and Casting Spd. by 4%. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.S48NPC Ekans.
Lesser Ring of BaiumProduces the following effects: MP +21, Increases resistance to poison attacks by 40, resistance to hold attacks by 30, Accuracy by 2, Critical damage by 8%, Atk. Speed by 2% and Casting Spd. by 2%. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.S48Raid Boss Baium.
Blessed Ring of Queen AntProduces the following effects: MP +52, Increases resistance to poison attacks by 60, resistance to hold attacks by 40, Accuracy by 2, Critical damage by 17%, Critical Rate by 20%, Magic damage Critical Rate by 20%. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.B79NPC Converter.
Ring of Queen AntProduces the following effects: MP +21, Increases resistance to poison attacks by 60, resistance to hold attacks by 40, Accuracy by 2, Critical damage by 15%, Critical Rate by 10%, Magic damage Critical Rate by 10%. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.B48Raid Boss Queen Ant.
Lesser Ring of Queen AntProduces the following effects: MP +21, Increases resistance to poison attacks by 30, resistance to hold attacks by 20, Accuracy by 2, Critical damage by 8%, Critical Rate by 5%, Magic damage Critical Rate by 5%. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.B48Elite Box.
Blessed Earring of OrfenProduces the following effects: MP +1681, increases Resistance to bleeding by 40 and increase healing from heal spells by 65%. Decreases MP consumption in magic skills by 25% and decrease 15% in reuse delay magic skills. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.A118NPC Converter.
Earring of OrfenProduces the following effects: MP +1031, increases Resistance to bleeding by 40 and increase healing from heal spells by 30%. Decreases MP consumption in magic skills by 5% and decrease 5% in reuse delay magic skills. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.A71Raid Boss Orfen.
Lesser Earring of OrfenProduces the following effects: MP +531, increases Resistance to bleeding by 20 and increase healing from heal spells by 15%. Decreases MP consumption in magic skills by 3% and decrease 3% in reuse delay magic skills. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.A71Elite Box.
Blessed Earring of ZakenProduces the following effects: MP +68, increases Resistance to bleeding by 60, resistance to stun/silence by 40, Resistance to dark attacks by 15, P. Atk. by 7%, M. Atk. by 7%, increase healing from heal spells by 15% and restores HP by using some of the damage inflicted upon an enemy by 4. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.S94NPC Converter.
Zaken's EarringProduces the following effects: MP +31, increases Resistance to bleeding by 60, resistance to stun/silence by 40, P. Atk. by 2%, M. Atk. by 4%, increase healing from heal spells by 10% and restores HP by using some of the damage inflicted upon an enemy by 4. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.S71Raid Boss Zaken.
Lesser Earring of ZakenProduces the following effects: MP +31, increases Resistance to bleeding by 30, resistance to stun/silence by 20, P. Atk. by 2%, M. Atk. by 2%, increase healing from heal spells by 5% and restores HP by using some of the damage inflicted upon an enemy by 2. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.S71Elite Box.
Blessed Necklace of ValakasProduces the following effects: MP +121, HP +625, increases Resistance to fire attacks by 15, Resistance to sleep attack by 80, P. Atk. by 10%, M. Atk. by 20%, and magic damage critical rate by 120%. Decreases skill re-use time by 10%. Redirects some of the physical damage received back upon an enemy by 5.S226NPC Converter.
Necklace of ValakasProduces the following effects: MP +42, HP +445, increases Resistance to fire attacks by 15, Resistance to sleep attack by 80, P. Atk. by 7%, M. Atk. by 12%, and magic damage critical rate by 100%. Decreases skill re-use time by 10%. Redirects some of the physical damage received back upon an enemy by 5.S95Raid Boss Valakas.
Lesser Necklace of ValakasProduces the following effects: MP +42, HP +245, increases Resistance to fire attacks by 8, Resistance to sleep attack by 40, P. Atk. by 5%, M. Atk. by 6%, and magic damage critical rate by 50%. Decreases skill re-use time by 5%. Redirects some of the physical damage received back upon an enemy by 3.S95Elite Box.
Necklace of ZakaronProduces the following effects: MP +350, Increases resistance to Mental attacks by 30, resistance to hold attacks by 10, resistance to water/wind attacks by 10, resistance to dark attacks by 20, Accuracy by 3, P. Atk. by 5%, Shield Defense Rate by 20, restores HP by using some of the damage inflicted upon an enemy by 10 and redirects some of the physical damage received back upon an enemy by 5. Decreases resistance to holy attacks by 10.S96Raid Boss Zakaron.
Ring of CoreProduces the following effects: MP +21, Increases Critical Dmg. by 15%, Atk. Spd. by 15%, Casting Spd. by 10% and Increases Max. HP/MP by 10%. Decreases PvP Damage by 100%. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.A48Raid Boss Core.
Lembrem-se que todas as joias acima são dropáveis e encantáveis.