Janes Fleet Command Manual
Posted : admin On 29.12.2020Jane's Combat Simulations Group Description Jane's Combat Simulations was a brand in use by Electronic Arts from 1996 to 2000 for their line of military simulations. EA licensed the name from Jane's Information Group, the publishing company famous for its military reference works. 3-D - Zen Internet. Thousands of 3-D Games - tested!! For use with Shutter Glasses A Ace of Angels Aces High Action Mole Whacker 3D Actor Adrenix Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island Aero Dancing F AFL 99 Age of Sail II Agile Warrior F IIIX Al Wars: The Awakening Air Warrior III Airfix Dogfighter Airlock AirXoniX Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge Alice Alien Kick Action Mole Whacker 3D Alien vs.
Jane's Fleet Command puts you in charge of the world's navies. Here's some intel for directing the battle fleet.
Janes Fleet Command Manual - abdigital. Jane's Fleet Command (JFC) is a naval based real time wargame developed with the help of Sonalysts, Inc., who also developed Jane's 668I Attack Sub simulation. Given their knowledge of naval platforms displayed in 688I, one would expect this game to be flowing with high-end detail and realism and, for the. Jane's in its most recent releases seems to be shying away from the large, information-filled manuals of the past. The Fleet Command manual is 45 pages long and contains sections on Gameplay, the Mission Editor, Multiplayer, and the Weapons Platforms used in the Fleet Command database. By far the most attention is given to the mission editor. Fleet Command™ Finds Audiences with Gamers, Network News and Navies Alike Realism and accuracy are the hallmarks of the Jane's® series of combat simulation games. Jane's Fleet Command. Jane's sails into shallow waters, but it's almost the only game of its type in town. First off, the manual doesn't explain nearly enough. Of the 44 pages, only four.
Much of the AI is determined by the language coding in the 'DOCTRINES' files in the Fleet Command folder. Many slick players have begun experimenting with the doctrines files to make planes engage enemy ships after identifying, prod own ships to fire against incoming SAMs in self-defense, and other improvements to make the game much more playable. Circuit wizard free download full version. By Ron Hunt.
DOWNLOAD the LATEST Fleet Command Custom Doctrine Files (16 KB)
If you want to try your hand at tweaking the Doctrines files yourself, you will want to read the Doctrine Specs text file. It spells out how the doctrines work, priorities, expressions, syntax specs--everything you need to know to be a Fleet Command Master Hack! By Mike Kolar (Sonalysts).
DOWNLOAD the Fleet Command Doctrine Specs (4 KB)
These files will allow you to change the loadout on the F-14. Using these files will change the loadout on the F-14 to 6 Phoenix and 2 AIM 9 missiles. Follow the instructions in the readme. By Mike Kolar (Sonalysts).
DOWNLOAD the Fleet Command Data Base Tweak (26 KB)
Jane's Fleet Command Manual Pdf
Jane's Doctrine files and Specs
Download Doctrine text and Database Files
This zipped file contains files that will allow the experienced user to modify the Fleet Command doctrine files and make modifications to the database files.
The Doctrines.txt file briefly describes all the commands within the doctrine files located in the Doctrine subdirectory off the installed Fleet Command directory. By making modifications to this file, you can change the way your platforms behave under different circumstances (i.e. you can make your aircraft automatically engage identified hostile aircraft). Refer to the file “doctrines.txt” for a full description of the doctrines.The rest of the files contain the files necessary to make changes to the Fleet Command database, which people have been mainly using to modify weapon loadouts of various platforms. Included in this zip file is a sample modification that gives you F-14s loaded out with Phoenix missiles. Refer to the dbspec.txt file for an explanation of how this all works.Again, only experienced users should attempt these modifications. Please backup your original files before making any changes to them.
Finally, and most importantly, if you have modified your database, and you play multiplayer games, all the other users you’re playing with will need to have the same database for Fleet Command to run the multiplayer game properly. All the databases need to be in agreement when playing a multiplayer game.
Jane's Fleet Command Manual Pdf
**Disclaimer -- Electronic Arts, Jane’s Combat Simulations, and Sonalysts, Inc. are not supporting any modifications made by the end users. This is at your own risk. Please do not call our customer support for help with these files.